Welcome to Eden Games!



Share our values

We are a smart development company mixing inclusive, talented, passionate and community-driven developers making racing games for the players!

Our Gender Equality Index reveals we get 35 points out of 45 which is the maximum number we could target with indicators that were possible to be calculated. Next Year, we will for sure be able to communicate an even better score due to new recruitments including women!

Join video game lovers!

We are always looking for new talents. Do you feel the will to share our values and to be part of the great adventure? Do not hesitate to apply to our job ads below or send your application to job@edengames.com to join our passionate team!

UI/UX Designer (F/H/NB) - Stage

Créatif(ve), vous aimez réaliser de belles interfaces tout en portant une attention particulière à la qualité de l’expérience utilisateur(rice), cette offre de stage va vous intéresser !

Dans le cadre d’un nouveau projet et au sein de l’équipe UI/UX composée de designers expérimenté(es), vous participerez à :

  • l’élaboration et la réalisation des interfaces du jeu avec l’ensemble des éléments graphiques (2D/3D) : icônes, fonds d’écran, typo, etc.
  • leur implémentation et suivi dans le respect des contraintes ludiques, artistiques et techniques.

Vous serez amené(e) à travailler en étroite collaboration avec les designers et programmeur(euses) pour créer des interfaces et interactions offrant la meilleure expérience de jeu possible, en profitant de l’expérience de l’équipe pour vous accompagner.

Voir l'annonce

Come and see us in Lyon!

Lyon is one of the most pleasant French cities.


A lot of green spaces and locations can be discovered such as parks and places dedicated for cycling and walking:

  • Parc de la Tête d’or
  • Parc de Gerland
  • Parc Blandan (Skate Parc)
  • Parc des Hauteurs
  • Parc de Lacroix-Laval
  • Parc de Miribel Jonage
  • Quais du Rhône et de la Saône…


You’ll discover a people-friendly city full of history and culture, a UNESCO World Heritage site at the meeting point of the Rhône and Saône rivers. Solo travellers and families alike will enjoy its sights, secrets and charms:

  • Musée des miniatures et du cinéma
  • Musée des Confluences
  • Musée Gadagne
  • Musée Gallo-Romain
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts
  • Musée Lumière
  • Les traboules et la fresque des lyonnais


Lyon is very well-known for the French gastronomy, so do not hesitate to taste Eden’s favourite eateries:

  • Le Tableau noir
  • Le Bistrot du Potager
  • Les Halles de Lyon – Paul Bocuse
  • Les brasseries Bocuse
  • La brasserie Georges
  • La Meunière


And after that, you can go to:

  • Auditorium
  • Opéra national de Lyon
  • Radiant-Bellevue
  • Halle Tony Garnier
  • Nuits sonores
  • Les Nuits de Fourvière
  • La fête des Lumières
  • Festivals: Quais du Polar and Lyon BD Festival (comic book event)…


Or if you prefer sports and relaxation, feel free to experiment:

  • Lyon VTT
  • Lyon City Boat
  • Lyon Bike Tour
  • Segway Tour
  • Climb-Up Lyon Gerland and Lyon Confluence

Where is EDEN GAMES and how do I get there?


Lyon is easily accessible, whatever transport mode you choose (subway, trams, Lyon Velov (shared city bikes)).

The city is also ideally located – about two hours from the mountains and just over 3 hours from the seaside.

Thanks to the TGV high-speed train stations (Lyon Perrache / Lyon Part-Dieu / Lyon St-Exupéry) and airport (Lyon St-Exupéry), you can easily reach any destination in France or abroad:

  • Paris-Lyon: 2 hours by high-speed train or 1 hour 30 minutes by plane
  • Marseille-Lyon: 3 hours by high-speed train
  • Lyon-London: approx. 1 hour 30 minutes by plane
  • Lyon-Barcelona: approx. 1 hour 10 minutes by plane
  • Lyon-Lisbon: 2 hours 15 minutes by plane

But first of all, how to reach Eden Games? Once you’re in Lyon, it couldn’t be easier. There are various subway, bus or tram lines that will take you straight to “our” office, soon to be “yours” too.:)